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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20-9 after mkt hourly chart

mkt had kept, it self with the bigger picture ..lefts many small waves so many times..it is because ,during the intraday time our mkt is running in line with the global mkts candle by candle,,,,, majority times,,,,or some times ignores the global mkt copmpletely and follows the ew counts.so we have to live with this kind of situation any how. .keeps us buisy to change our small wave counts according to running situation. if smaller wave count not match with the bigger one, and heavily ambiguous, than it is our duty to stick with the bigger counts,but for trading point of view we are swing traders so it does not harmful for us..
but for sharp entry exit points and sharp stoploss calculation,small 5 minutes or 15 minutes counts helps us enough.